Bharatiya Seva Sadan, Akola which runs this college was founded in 1942 with the inspiration of Mahatma Gandhi, by Late Mataji Smt. Radhadeviji Goenka, a renowned social worker, staunch follower of Mahatma Gandhi and freedom fighter. The idea took root as a consequence of her resentment for prevalent education system in the British rule. Her idea could materialize with generous allocation of 23 acres of the land from Late Shri Ravishankarji Shukla, the Chief Minister of Central Province and Berar. ₹ 2,00,000 were donated by Great Philanthropist Late Shri. Kisanlalji Goenka, with this National and Historical background in the beginning, the Society started a Pre-Primary School in a rented room with 7 students from the Goenka Family. In the spirit of nationalism students used to recite Vande Mataram as their daily prayer.
Women College was founded in 1965 and it was the only Women College in the Western Vidarbha Region of Maharashtra (India). Initially College was started with Arts Stream only, later on Home Science Faculty was introduced in 1978 and Commerce was introduced in 1983. Today, we are having 3000 + students admitted in the college right from Jr. College to Ph.D. Level.