NAAC Reaccredited Grade A with CGPA 3.07 (Certified Minority Institution) Affiliated to Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati
Smt. Radhadevi Goenka College for Women, Murtizapur Road, NH6 Akola - 444001
Contact - FeedBack
The objective of this form is to collect constructive feedback for improving facilities and services of the college. Your response will assist the college in its endeavor to strengthen the overall development of students.
1. Were objective of course clear to you?
Highly Clear Clear Partly Clear Not Clear
2. How is the syllabus suitable to the course?
Highly Suitable Suitable Partly Suitable Not Suitable
3. Level of the course is?
To high high low to low
4. Syllabus is Need based?
Strongly Agree agree Partly Agree disagree
5. How do you read the syllabus in relation to the competences?
Excellent Very Good Average Poor
6. How do you find the size of syllabus in terms of load?
Vast Manageable Short To short
7. Do you think there are enough practical hours/ tutorials per week?
Yes No Need More Not Sure
8.How do read sequence of the syllabus semester wise relevant to the course?
9. How is the syllabus comparable to that of other institute /university?
Superior At Par inferior cannot say
15. Suggestions for further improvements.