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Anti-Ragging Cell

The Institution has a Committee on anti Ragging Since 2015. Considering the determination of the central Government and the University Grants Commission to prohibit. Prevent and eliminate the Scourge of ragging of any type and the gravity of the issue. Committee and the Squad are reconstituted every two years. The anti – ragging squad ensures the implementation of the preventive measure and undertakes field visits to ensure ragging free campus.

The college has constituted the anti ragging committee. The following instructions are framed to prevent the menace of ragging in the college. Ragging is Strictly forbidden in or outside the college campus.

The rules and regulations of the Committee are strictly fallowed by the student. The new Comers, are wanted and explained the rules and regulations of the college in the welcome Program.

The Aims & Objectives of Cell:

  • 1. To take necessary measures to achieve the objectives of eliminating the menace of ragging within the institution or outside.
  • 2. To act on the defaulters who are found guilty of ragging and abetting ragging actively or passively or being part of a conspiracy to promote ragging.
  • 3. To keep continuous watch and vigil over students behavior.
  • 4. To make the students aware of the dehumanizing effect of ragging.
  • 5. To counsel the fresher’s every year in the welcome program.


  • 1. Meet periodically to discuss important matters incidences and UGC guidelines on anti ragging.
  • 2. Act as a mediator between the Anti ragging Squad, administration and the students.
  • 3. Prevent incidences of ragging.
  • 4. Educate students on the negativity of ragging and inculcate good values which help them refrain from such acts.
  • 5. Monitor anti ragging activities in the institution.
  • 6. Help maintain the ethos of the Institutions Ragging free Campus.
  • 7. Meet Students in the students assembly and brief. Them about the Institution's stand about ragging.
  • 8. Organize programmes to create awareness.
  • 9. Disseminate information on Anti ragging rules & regulations.
  • 10. To consider the complaints received from the students and conduct enquiry and submit report to the anti ragging committee along with punishment recommendation.
  • 11. Conduct workshop against ragging menace and orient the students.
  • 12. To provide students the information pertaining to content address and telephone numbers of the person identified to received.
  • 13. To create awareness among the students about anti ragging.
  • 14. To take all necessary measures for prevention of ragging inside the campus and hostel.

Anti – Ragging Squad Functions

  • 1. Identify and inspect places of potential ragging.
  • 2. Make surprise visit in classrooms and in hostel.
  • 3. Ensure stakeholder participation in the effort.
  • 4. Be vigilant for unanticipated events.

Plans for future

  • 1. Arrange for professional counseling sessions to prevent incidences for both serious & fresher’s.
  • 2. Appoint mentoring cells involving senior students.

Administrative action in the event of ragging in RDG College for Women, Akola

  • 1. Suspension from attending classes and academic privileges.
  • 2. With holding / withdrawing scholarship and benefits.
  • 3. Debapping from appearing in any test examination or other evaluation process.
  • 4. With holding results.
  • 5. Debapping from representing the institution in any regional, national or international meet, treatment, youth festival etc.
  • 6. Suspension from the hostel.
  • 7. Cancellation of admission.
  • 8. Rustication from the institution for period panging from one to four semester.


# Name Designation
1 Dr. Charushila Rumale Principal
2 Dr. Nibha Updhyay Coordinator
3 Dr. Radha Sawjiyani Member
4 Dr. Vinod Chauhan Member
5 Dr. Ashish Mutthe Member


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Anti-Ragging Cell Inauguration 2023-24
12th Aug, 2023
More Details