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Awards & Recognition

Serial No. Name of the Award & Sponsoring Agency & Form of Prize Qualification or Eligibility Critera
1) Smt. RDG College of Women Merit Students
2) Smt. Vimaladeviji Goenka – Student of the Year sponsored by :- Shri Ravindraji Goenka, Vice- President of B.S.S. (A rotating trophy & Rs.5000 cash) By Nomination only & Annual Final year student of any faculty, Academic – 60%, Contribution in various spheres such as Extra- Curricular Activity, Leadership Qualities, Awards/Laurels won to the college, Attendance Regularity, Behaviour & Conduct, Communication Skills.
3) In memory of Late Smt. Padmadeviji Niranjankumarji Goenka College Toppers from B.A., B.Com., B.Sc., Final as well as from M.A. Music, Sociology, Philosophy, Political Science, English, Sanskrit, Home- Economics, & M.Com & 12th Vocational Courses.
4) In memory of Late Smt. Radhadeviji Goenka alias Mataji by Niranjankumarji Goenka For Meditation & Yoga
  In memory of Late Smt. Radhadeviji Goenka alias Mataji by Niranjankumarji Goenka College Toppers from B.A., B.Com., B.Sc., Final as well as from M.A. Music, Sociology, Philosophy, Political Science,Marathi Sanskrit, English,Home-Economics, & M.Com & 12th Arts, Science & M.C.V.C.
5) In memory of Late Smt. Omkarmalji Rungta by Shri Rajkumar Jugalkishorji Rungta College Topper from all three branches of M.C.V.C.
6) In memory of Late Smt. Mohinideviji Rungta by Shri Kamalkishorji Rungta B.Com.III. Student who has scored highest marks in the subject of Computer
7) By M.B.Modi in memory of his sister-in-law Late Smt. Godawaribai Modi B.A. Final year student who has stood First in the college in the University Exam in Music. This award is given from the year 1976-77.
8) By Late Smt. Kumudini Lal in memory of her mother Late Omeshwari Guruchandanlal Varma B.A. Final year student who has stood First in the college in the