Training & Placement Cell
Training and placement cell aims to facilitate the process of placement of students passing out from the college/institute. It helps to provide a platform to the students for using their potential to gain working experience. Actually it acts as an interface or as a bridge between various companies seeking talented graduates and postgraduates of various disciplines and the job seekers. It plays a major role in shaping up the career goals of students. Training of students and equipping them with life skills and soft skills has become an important responsibility of the institution. Training and placement cell at RDG would leave and focus on its vision by thinking of the problem of bread and butter of our students and also their economically independent lives.
- 1. To help students to identify employment options that matches their career interest.
- 2. To find out for potential employers locally and out of the district.
- 3. To assist the students in all aspects of the job search including communication skills, presentation skills, interview skills, resume writing etc.
- 4. To schedule and follow-up on student interview with prospective employers.
- 5. To identify and prepare students for various employment skills.
- 6. To develop a job oriented approach among the students.
Work plan
- 1. It will be functional for the first year students itself.
- 2. Registration fee will be collected from students.
- 3. An aptitude test will be designed to filter or trace 25 students from different faculty in the first year.
- 4. Focussed efforts for the 25 students on different aspects will be made to make them eligible for job.
- 5. Expert guidance will be given to the students to make them more confident to face interviews.
- 6. Basic skills of computer literacy will be taken care off through short courses available in the college itself.
- 1. Employment skills will be developed among the students.
- 2. Students will be assured that if proper efforts on both the sides are made then their institute has the potential to make potential employers available for them in their campus itself.
- 3. Effective working of the cell will help grab more employment opportunities to the students and will contribute to increase the admission percentage of the college.