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Department of Physical Education & Sports


Graduates with measures in the sports and health will be recognized as competent and prepared professionals, empowered lifelong learners responsible citizens participants in physical activity and advocates for programs in physical education and sports. An active nation where everyone can have a lifelong enjoyment of sports.


The department of physical education, sports provides students with opportunities to excel through purposeful experience resulting in skills for lifelong learning, skills for citizenship and skills for work including communication use of technology and appreciation of individual differences. Through our programs students develop and understanding of the contributions of physical activity. To mentor students by inculcating values and leadership Skills in them by providing diverse opportunities that delete of character to succeed in all facts of life.

Department Values
Integrity, Respect, Skillful, Excellence, Student centered, Communication, Empowerment

“Sports has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. It has the power to unite people in a way that little else does. It speaks to youth in a language they understand. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

Objectives of Physical Education

The aim of physical education is not only physical development but also to equip learners with knowledge, skills, capacities, values and the enthusiasm to maintain and carry on a healthy life style. It promotes physical fitness develops motor skills and the understanding of rules. Concepts and strategies of playing games and sports. Students students either work as a part of a team or as a individual in a wide variety of competitive activities.

  1. 1. Develop motor abilities like strength, speed endurance coordination flexibility agility and balance as they are important aspects for good performance in different games and sports
  2. 2. To develop techniques and tactics in involved in organized physical activities games and sports.
  3. 3. Develop socio physiological aspects like control of emotions balanced behavior development of leadership and fellowship qualities and team spirit through participation in games and sports.
  4. 4. Promote health and fitness and value team work and fair play through participation.
  5. 5. Provide a safe competition with appropriate facilities

Aims & Objective

  1. To organize various kinds of sports activities.
  2. To enhance students sportsmanship and commitment.
  3. To promote every individual health, physical wellbeing as well as the acquisition of physical skills among the students.
  4. To provide a safe physical environment
  5. To promote physical excellence.
  6. To promote of mass participation in sports from the grass root level.
  7. To maintain the records of student achievements
  8. To encourage and promote various sporting activities to inculcate sportsmanship qualities of leadership perseverance team sprit and bonding

Outdoor Games

  1. Cricket
  2. Kabbadi
  3. Basketball
  4. Football
  5. Kho-Kho
  6. Badminton
  7. Vollyball
  8. Athletics

Indoor Games

  1. Table Tennis
  2. Carrom
  3. Aerobics
  4. Chess
  5. Yoga


RDG Sports Academy

Sports Achievers

Online National Webinar On “Role of Women in Sports & Society”

Sports Day

International Yoga Day

Aerobic Workshop

Yoga Workshop

Other Activities

Vollyball Tournament

Football Tournament

Cricket Tournament

National Sports Day

Football Couch Workshop

Volley Ball Team

Suryanamaskar Divas

District Football Tournament

26th Jan. Republic Day

1st May Maharashtra Day

Certificate Workshop

Fit India Program

Fit India Rally

Cycle Rally

Felicitation of Students

Cricket Team

Boxing Team

Judo & Handball

Clour Holder Player

National Football Team


International Futsal Tournament


Boxing Champion Ku. Riya Prakash Taram

Indo Nepal International Youth Futsal Championship 2022

Indo Nepal International Youth Futsal Championship 2022

State Level Savitribai Phule Award 2021

Appreciation form Principle Dr. Devendra Vyas